Stockport & South Manchester

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Stagger - Stockport Market Place

Friday 17 May 2024 19:30

Stockport Market Place

Friday 17 Mat 2024

Stockport Image Archive - Market Hall and Parish Church On this page, if any of the "olde worlde" pictures are clicked on the original can be viewed full size.

This is a very compact stagger, never venturing much more than 200m from the historic Victorian Market Hall in Stockport. Surprisingly for a trip around central Stockport, Robinson's pubs are thin on the ground!

Bakers Vault - Stockport Starting in the Market Place, face away from the Victorian covered market and there is the Bakers Vault, which underwent an extensive refurbishment a few years back. We will be able to have our first pint of Robinsons of the evening here, along with up to three guest ales. Yes, you did read that correctly, a Robinson's house with guest ales. The running of the pub has been taken on by the same team that runs the Castle in central Manchester. We may also be treated to live music, as the Bakers had a reputation as an excellent venue for live music and I'm assured that they wish to continue with this endeavour. A new innovation is the food menu, based upon a variety of (very good so I am assured) hot dogs.

Stockport Image Archive - Boars Head in days gone by Crossing the corner of the market square brings us to the Boar's Head. This is a Sam Smiths house so there will be no music, neither live nor recorded, as the tight fisted Yorkshire men who own the pub don't believe in Performing Rights licences! WARNING: Don't get ejected from the premises for that dastardly unsociable activity of using any [modern] mobile/electronic devices —I wonder if that covers iWatches? Everything sold within the Boar's Head is a Sam Smiths product, from crisps, through spirits and probably down to toilet paper - what a great show of Yorkshire thrift. This has allowed Smiths to offer among the cheapest pint in Stockport, but unfortunately only the one (variety that is, they are not policing your drinking). Smiths have an extensive range of bottled beers available but unfortunately none of these is available in cask.

MAS-17156-122996-glass-spider-stockport.jpg Turning right and travelling down the street covered in setts [yes setts, cobbles are rounded natural stones but these are man-made squared stones] and we come to the Banshee. Having been offices or, as proclaimed over the door, 'Chambers', this premise was converted to hospitality use in June 2019. Originally having a Viking theme with plenty of Norse decorations, it re-opened in August 2020 with plenty of leather button-back seating, Britannia tables, and dividing screens with leaded glass tops. Re-opened 2/5/2024 as Banshee with, this time, an Irish themed bar, and it retains many of the architectural features of its forebear. All it needs to make it perfect is real ale, sadly none is available so off to our next venue.

Stockport Image Archive - Produce Hall, Thread and Angel Inn Crossing back across the Market Place we will be passing the recently upgraded and re-opened Produce Hall (right of photo, phone booths infront). Rather like the Altrincham Market Hall and Smithfield Market in Manchester there are a plethora of good (hipster?) food outlets, but the management have missed a trick. They not only DON'T sell any real ale at all, but also are pricing keg ales around £1 more than it is available next door. Captive market?

Stockport Image Archive - Angel Inn and Thread Next to the Produce Hall stands Thread which is our 8:30pm meeting point. Previously owned by Cheshire brewer, Mobberley Brewhouse but now taken over by a collaboration between the parties running the nearby Angel and Bakers Vaults. Thread occupies the building with the round-topped facade in the photo above left, circa 1975, compare this with the photo right where Rostrons was knocked down(?) to makeway for the current building! The beer selection (two handpumps) are chosen to compliment and not clash with the nearby offerings. The name Thread came about as the premises was a tailors shop (Roystons?) in the dim and distant past.

Stockport Image Archive - Angel Inn Our shortest walk between pubs now ensues as the Angel Inn is next door! Re-opened in late 2018, some 67 year after being closed as a Bell's Brewery tied house. Now locally owned and run by local people who care about cask beer and the environment in which it is presented. Originally the Angel only occupied the left-hand portion of this building (see photos above and right - click on any photo for larger version), which explains why the pub's name is so offset on the façade outside. Inside 5 changing real ales are on offer. A sunken seating area with real fire and sofas adds an air of comfort and class to the current establishment and this was so even in 1911 according to this newspaper report, but we mustn't get too comfy as we need to venture forth and complete the stagger.

Stockport Image Archive - Egerton Arms as was - Stockport Our next objective is but a cock-stride away so travelling towards St Petersgate, cross the bridge over Underbank and on the right is the Egerton Arms, or as some may remember it from a few years back, Porky Pigs. Availability of cask ale has been on and off here for a while, but has now returned. After a recent renovation real ale was re-introduced and currently two cask ales are on offer.

Next door or three we find Enigma. Converted from a shop to a cocktail bar with about the worst timing imaginable, February 2020, just in time for lockdown! The décor is fairly spartan with bare-brick walls on one side of the room complemented by a rustic half-timbered wall on the other. Unfortunately real ale doesn't feature in their drinks offering so —Onwards!

Returning to the market place and turning right down the side of the market hall on what is still Market Place (as also is the street on the other side of the market hall) stands the Bulls Head. Built as a pub and owned for many years by Robinsons it used to be a big part of the Stockport music scene. Closed for a few years, but still on the books of Robinsons, who reputedly still wish to re-open the building. One to watch.

Stockport Image Archive - Demolition on the site of Remedy Bar MAS-16976-146817-amp-stockport.jpg Passing the closed Bulls Head we reach Amp. A simple but inspired conversion of two former shop units to become Dr. Feelgoods in 2015 with an atmospheric steampunk-style bar in the town's Market Place. The picture left is not the renovation efforts but harks back to when the shops were originally built —the current guise is shown right. Re-opened 28/4/2023 as Amp, primarily a music venue but real ale is still available here. The opened-out interior from its Doctor Feelgood era continues, with outside a balcony seating area that overlooks the historic Market Hall.

Stockport Image Archive - Former Court Leet Around the corner and at the top of Mealhouse Brow are two modern bars. Firstly, at 4 Mealhouse Brow, we find Cherry Jam, which was opened in May 2021 by "Britain's Got Talent" cocktail-mixing finalist Neil Garner. Along with, as would be expected, cocktails beer is on offer, but sadly not of the real kind. Next door Good Rebel at 6 Mealhouse Brow is a surprisingly large cocktail bar, alas cocktails aren't created from real ale, so there is none available here. Before we leave Mealhouse Brow look to the left and note the dungeons - Yes dungeon! The building on the corner left used to be the Court Leet with the dungeon being the small, about one metre square floor level door in the photo left. Further details at and even a video is available here (starts at about the 5 minute mark).

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To reach our final destination we need to round the southern end of the Market Hall, comming face to face with the stocks and Parish Church. In passing why not indulge in a little film nostalgia and re-create a scene from the 60s film A Taste of Honey. Several locations were used around Stockport but the shots where Brigit Forsyth walks around St Mary's, the Parish Church are the most easily identified by Stopfordians. Follow the link and scroll through other shots for more Stockport locations - see how many you can identify before reading the captions.

Dropping steeply down Millgate we arrive at the Arden Arms. This pub has seen a varied history, including being used as the towns mortuary - the mortuary slabs are still there in the cellar. A number of rooms inside are available including the challenging to enter snug situated behind the bar. Go on - I challenge you to find the way in! Stockport Image Archive - The rectory, Stockport Stockport Image Archive - The rectory, Stockport The inside seating has been complemented by an outside drinking area. You can sit in the sun (what at 10:30pm!) or under the cloister, for that is what the roofed area resembles. A stage, upon which live musicians perform regularly, completes the area.

The view down Millgate in the 70s (left), with the cooling tower dominating the scene (best viewed if you follow the links) and seen in the background of the A Taste of Honey St Mary's scene. In the photo to the left notice the last building on the left side of the street, that with the solitary window and compare to the photo on the right. If not actually the same window, certainly the same building. A glimpse of Stockport's gasometer can also be seen on the right. What a change in view from the Arden Arms' front door - now it is ASDA's multi-storey car-park!

Below, clicking on Map will call up a Google travel map with that location automatically set as the destination. Insert your current location (post code?) as the start and choose a travel mode (public, car, cycle or foot) and discover your travel options.

Following THIS LINK will take you to the Transport for Greater Manchester website for current travel information.

Stockport Market Place

Timing Pub Name Address Bus &Rail Notes
7.30pm Start point: Bakers Vault Market Place
Then Boar's Head 2 Vernon Street/Market Place
Banshee 6 Vernon Street/Market Place
No Real Ale
Produce Hall 22 Market Place
No Real Ale
8.30pm Mid point Thread 22 Market Place
Then Angel Inn 20 Market Place
Enigma 8 St Petersgate
No Real Ale
Egerton Arms 2 St Petersgate
Amp 10-11 Market Place
Cherry Jam 4 Mealhouse Brow
No Real Ale
Good Rebel 6 Mealhouse Brow
No Real Ale
Finishing at Arden Arms 23 Millgate

View Stockport Market Place stagger in a larger map.

Images on this page are thumbnails from various sources and no right is claimed. If you own copyright and wish either removal or acknowledgement please advise me and I'll promptly follow your wishes.

Updated May 2024

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