Copperfields Bar
Adswood Lane West, Cale GreenStockport

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site
Converted 19/12/2004 to become residential. Closed 19/12/2004. History: Part of the former Southlands Hotel. A free house that offered a most interesting array of cask beers at a time when such a range was unusual. Closed 19/12/2004. This is what Opening Times magazine said of it when it won Stockport & South Manchester CAMRA Pub of the Month award for May 1996 - "Those who have only seen the bar and not ventured through the doors will consider this an odd choice, it is after all essentially the rear extension to the Southlands Hotel. Venture through the doors however and you will encounter a traditional pub atmosphere which belies the mere three and a half years that the place has been in existence. The success of, and the traditional values so apparent at Copperfields can be put down to the hard work and commitment of licensee and owner Stuart Driver who runs the bar in conjunction with his parents Ken and Marion. Stuart has some 17 years experience in the licensed trade and he and his father have owned numerous free-houses between them, the last being the New Inn at Castleton, Rochdale, which was bought by Robinsons. Stuart and his father bought the Southlands Hotel five years ago but, as Stuart told OT, he loves the pub atmosphere so much that he decided to add a pub onto the building. What you have is just one room, a dark panelled lounge, with the bar at one end. However, by running an unashamedly tight ship, "to ensure a good atmosphere and good customers", Stuart has succeeded in creating one of the most welcoming pubs around. Not only does the pub succeed on atmosphere, it also scores on value for money. This runs from the extensive menu (12 oz T-bone steak for £6.95, for example) to the beer. Five cask ales are normally sold and the range at present includes Wilsons Mild, John Smiths Bitter (99p a pint), Boddies Bitter (£1.15), Robbies Best (£1.24) and Marstons Pedigree".
Further history here:
Lost Pubs Project website
Photo here:
Stockport library photo