Coach & Horses
72 Queen Street, PortwoodStockport

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site
Demolished 1/1/2000, site is now retail premises. Closed 1/7/1998. History: Former street-corner Boddington's house. Being situated almost surrounded by the town's gas works, towards the end it stood isolated as the area around it was redeveloped for what became Portwood retail area. Present-day location is approximate. The CAMRA publication "Stockport Pub Guide" published in 1990 described the Coach & Horses thus "A good example of a traditional local, this large and impressive yellow-brick building sits in splendid isolation off the new road skirting the east of the town centre. Betraying no hints of its Victorian origins, the interior now consists of a large, lively, basic vault (pool, TV, piped music) and a pleasant, well-maintained lounge. As well as Mon-Fri lunches, sandwiches are available on Saturday lunchtimes, and evenings by request. A well-run pub, shown not least by the notable cleanliness of the toilets - the Gents has an excellent view of the gasworks"! Opening Times magazine Aug 1998 reported closed and for sale; Opening Times magazine Feb 2000 reported demolition 'last month'.
Further history here:
Lost Pubs Project website
Photo here:
Stockport library photo