Stockport & South Manchester

Longsight Hotel

Redgate Lane
M12 4NW
This pub is permanently closed.

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

Demolished 1/1/1985, site is now a landscaped site. Closed 1/1/1985. History: Approximate location of original Longsight, Bought by Banks's Brewery for the licence, then demolished, and a replacement built on nearby Kirkmanshulme Lane when Belle Vue Zoo and Amusement Park was re-developed in the 1970s. DON'T confuse the Longsight HOTEL with the Longsight TAVERN which was on Stockport Road, Longsight between the Church, and Coach & Horses. Pubs of Manchester blog records demolition occurred in 1985.
Further history here:
Pubs of Manchester blog
Photo here:
Manchester photo
Link to new Longsight pub here:
New Longsight (Belle Vue)