Walk To The Pub - Stockport Pub Round Part 1: Stockport to Romiley
Pub Walks with Chris Morris
Stockport Pub Round Part 1 - Stockport to Romiley
PLEASE REMEMBER: Details accurate at time of writing
Welcome to a new series of pub walks. The idea of the Stockport Pub Round is to walk along scenic, traffic-free nature trails throughout our region, whilst visiting fine pubs in the process. The circular walk starts from Stockport Town Centre, visiting Romiley, Marple, High Lane, Bramhall and Cheadle, before returning to Stockport. Split into six easily managed stages, there are excellent public transport links throughout, meaning you can leave and restart the route whenever it suits you.
Public Transport Information
Stage one starts in Stockport at the Arden Arms, which is a short walk from the railway and bus stations. There are bus stops for the 330, 383 and 384 at the Midway pub, which the walk passes. At the walk’s finish in Romiley, there are frequent train services, plus the 383, 384, and 382 buses.
The Walk
Stage one is five miles and features a few challenging short climbs and descents in places. After wet weather, some of the paths will be muddy, so hiking boots are recommended. All pubs welcome dogs.
Arden Arms - Stockport
The Arden Arms is the perfect pub to start this walk from, with the bar set high right from the off. As well as the range of expertly kept Robinsons cask beers, earning Good Beer Guide entry, the interior is a delight, with a three-star rating by CAMRA Pub Heritage Group. A pre-walk meal is recommended here, too, with as much care and attention paid to the food as it is to the beer.
From outside the pub, cross over to walk along Millgate, passing Millgate Cars on our right and then Aldi. After 600 yards, cross straight over at the junction with St Mary’s Way. After a further 300 yards, we have the option of another pub stop. The Midway is a smart dining pub which has won many awards for its excellent food, but drinkers are equally welcome. Real ale is not forgotten either, with a single cask of Eagle’s Bombardier on offer when I last visited. Dogs are allowed inside at the front of the pub.
Carrying on along New Bridge Lane for 300 yards to the crossroads, we now cross over to enter Vernon Park, Stockport’s oldest public park. Taking a right, we walk up the hill, past the bandstand to the café at the top. Public toilets are available downstairs when the café is open. Our route is to now enter the adjacent Woodbank Memorial Park, around the sunken circular rose garden and through a metal gate, signed Fred Perry Way. With the car park on your right, we walk straight ahead following the well-trodden track, until we bear left to meet the main tarmacked path. Just before we reach Woodbank Hall, take the path to the right, then next left to walk downhill, signposted to Pear Mill and Route 55.
After 400 yards, at the bottom, we reach a map on display which includes our next path, along the River Goyt. With the map behind us, our route is now straight ahead along the well-trodden path between the trees. After 100 yards we turn right at a mossy stone with an engraved arrow showing the way. Walk up the wooden steps and turn left to join a nature trail. The path weaves through picturesque woodland with the river on your left at all times. As well as a number of ups and downs, watch out for one tricky descent where the path has been eroded.
Hop Haus - Romiley
We then pass Offerton Cricket Club where we walk to the left of the club house. After almost a mile of the trail, we see a footbridge over the river to the left. Follow the path down to the bridge, cross over and carry on along the path on the other side. At the top we turn right and join a bridleway, signposted to Chadkirk. After a half-mile the path becomes a lane after passing a farm, then bends left at Valley Cottage and passes Stockport Hydro. At the main road take a left along the pavement, then cross over at the pedestrian lights. Take the next right along Vale Road to enter the Chadkirk Country Estate. After 500 yards, when the lane bends to the left, use the footpath on the left that runs parallel to the road. After 250 yards, a recommended diversion is to turn right to cross the road so that we can explore the impressive 18th century Chadkirk Chapel and its walled garden.
Retracing our steps back over the road, and carrying on along the path as before, we rejoin Vale Road which climbs steeply, passing St Chad’s Well and Kirkwood Cottage before passing under the Peak Forest Canal. Continue along the road as it climbs up the other side, now becoming Chadkirk Road. Ignore Gregory Avenue to the right and fork left. Carry on straight ahead for 500 yards to find the centre of Romiley, its railway station, bus stops and a rewarding pint.
Converted from an old double-fronted shop, Hop Haus offers a cosy and welcoming space, with the delightful window seats in high demand. Excellent cask beers are a speciality here, with a deserved entry in the Good Beer Guide. Up to five cask beers are available, plus a number of quality keg beers. On my last visit, the cask beers were from Millstone, Empire and Milestone.
Next time, we tackle stage two – Romiley to Marple.