Stockport & South Manchester

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Want to go international?

We have become aware of this initiative run by Forest and Main Brewing Co. over in Pennsylvania USA.

March Mildness

A bit like Mild Magic; visit pubs, collect stamps, get prizes, and they have the cheek to use the same initialisation – MM!

This might, however, be a little more challenging that Mild Magic, starting with a trip over the pond to America. With 31 breweries taking part, and with a total of 40 pubs participating, but with no minimum number to be visited it sounds too easy. With a spread over three states, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York, you will require a bit more than a Bee Bus day ticket to cover them all. Whether you will be rewarded with draft cask conditioned ale however. . .     [The photo of the Forest & Main bar does show traditional handpumps, so who knows.]

For more information
Main page:

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