Stockport & South Manchester

Want to go international?

We have become aware of this initiative run by Forest and Main Brewing Co. over in Pennsylvania USA.

March Mildness

A bit like Mild Magic; visit pubs, collect stamps, get prizes, and they have the cheek to use the same initialisation – MM!

This might, however, be a little more challenging that Mild Magic, starting with a trip over the pond to America. With 31 breweries taking part, and with a total of 40 pubs participating, but with no minimum number to be visited it sounds too easy. With a spread over three states, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York, you will require a bit more than a Bee Bus day ticket to cover them all. Whether you will be rewarded with draft cask conditioned ale however. . .     [The photo of the Forest & Main bar does show traditional handpumps, so who knows.]

For more information
Main page:

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