Stockport & South Manchester

Opening Times Information

Opening Times

Covering Stockport plus the southern half of Manchester along with Tameside, High Peak, North East Cheshire and Macclesfield

Opening Times is a bi-monthly A4 magazine covering beer, brewers, events and occasions in an area comprising (roughly) the south east of the Greater Manchester conurbation, with a little straying into High Peak and N.E. Cheshire. It is principally produced by the Stockport & South Manchester branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA). Additional material is supplied by the High Peak & NE Cheshire branch and the Macclesfield branch.

The aim is for publication on the first day of the "odd" months, ie January, March, May, July, September & November. We have 5,500 copies printed each month and distribute it to hundreds of outlets.

Download an issue

Copies of most of the current series of Opening Times are available via our Archive for your perusal. The archive also includes copies of an original series published back in 1976 when beer cost 19p a pint in the Vault and up to 22p in the lounge - those were the days of a 2p or 3p price differential depending where you drank within a pub! Back in 1976 the branch was also known as South Manchester and covered a much bigger area, stretching from Glossop, through Stockport and Trafford and even featuring a Warrington Column!

Want to guarantee your copy of Opening Times?

Then why not subscribe?

You can have 6 issues, covering one year, sent to your door for £11.50 (to cover postage) and you have a choice of how to subscribe:

  • We can accept direct BACS payments. Contact the Secretary by email via for full details.
  • If you prefer a cheque, then please make it payable to "CAMRA Stockport and South Manchester Branch" and send your details and cheque to:
    Lawrence Devaney, 2 Kingsway, Bramhall, Stockport, SK7 3BG.

Submitting copy?

Guidelines for submitting information to Opening Times
Each issues is laid out in the first few days of the month preceding publication, with final copy required by around the 10th of that month.
For example, to be included in the May issue, inform the editor by April 1st, with the final copy to the editor by April 10th.

Copy is accepted in most common formats, for example:
    Documents: Word (.DOC or .DOCX), OpenOffice (.ODT), text (.TXT)
    Graphics and photos: .JPG, .PNG, .GIF, .BMP

All graphics should ideally be in hi-resolution, 100% (no compression) format or PDF with fonts included.


John Clarke, 45 Bulkeley Street, Edgeley, Stockport, SK3 9HD
Tel 0161 477 1973
E mail:

Advertising Rates

Advertising is now handled by Red Paper Media who publishes Opening Times on behalf the Stockport & South Manchester Branch of CAMRA. Advertising matters can be discussed with the editor by emailing ku.oc.armacmss@namriahc. He is happy to advise about such things as size and format of advert, content and production of graphics if you are unable to do this yourselves.

Red Paper Media can be contacted via

Rate Card

Opening Times is published bi-monthly and receives contributions from the High Peak, Tameside & NE Cheshire Branch and the Macclesfield & East Cheshire Branch. 5,500 copies are distributed across Stockport, South and East Manchester (except Chorlton and Hulme) and Tameside. There are also numerous outlets in Macclesfield and East Cheshire, Manchester City Centre, Glossop and North West Derbyshire.

Eighth page£65 + VAT9.00cm6.30cm
Quarter page£105 + VAT 9.00cm13.00cm
Half page - vertical£175 + VAT9.00cm27.00cm
Half page - horizontal£175 + VAT19.00cm13.00cm
Full page£275 + VAT 19.00cm27.00cm
Full page - no border£275 + VAT21.00cm + bleed29.70cm + bleed

This card can be downloaded here in .pdf format.


Available for ¼ page and above:

  • 10% for a run of three or more
  • 15% for a run of six or more
  • The runs do not have to be consecutive
  • The content does not have to be identical

Pre-prepared artwork
This can be accepted in most formats but ideally hi-res 100% JPEG or PNG (no compression) alternatively PDF with fonts included format.
Artwork should be sent to
Final copy date for artwork is 15th of the preceding month (e.g. 15 February for the March/April issue).

Queries to:
Local contact: John Clarke ( , 0775 383 6898 )
Red Paper Media: Neil Richards OBE (, 07710 281381 )