Stockport & South Manchester

November - Grapes

Wednesday 23 November 2011


196 London Road, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheshire, SK7 4DQ

Let Chris Wainwright explain why this Good Beer Guide regular is the Stockport & South Manchester CAMRA Pub of the Month for November.

ROBINSONS may have closed a number of struggling pubs in Hazel Grove lately, but no such worries exist about the future of November's Pub of the Month. George and Elaine have been in the Grapes for 18 years now. As if this level of longevity in one pub is not achievement enough, this year they celebrate 25 years with Robinsons. Older readers may remember them at the controls of the (now closed) Royal Mortar on Hillgate.

Well known and respected in the area the Woods have contributed to local events and charities from the outset. The efforts of the customers each year in playing a major role in the Hazel Grove Carnival were rewarded earlier this year in them winning "Best Decorated Float". And it's those same regulars that will share a cheery welcome with you as you walk through the door, whether it is for the first time or the umpteenth time.

There has been some fairly dire beer sold in Hazel Grove, as is evident from a recent Stagger article in these pages, but there is however no doubt that the Grapes consistently deliver an excellent pint. The Unicorn bitter is always on top form and the Hatters mild is offered at two different temperatures for those that prefer a slightly cooler than usual tipple.

Testament to demand for George's cellar skills is the fact that this pub is driven on wet sales alone. You won't see any menus on tables; hear any deafening live music to shatter the peace. Even the jukebox is reasonably low key. What you will hear is good old bar room chat and banter. Customers actually having conversations with each other prove this is truly a pub for the community.

So come along for the presentation on Wednesday 23rd of November from 8.00pm and sample the atmosphere for yourself. The Grapes is in the middle of Hazel Grove (SK7 4DQ), on the bend in the A6 served by the 191, 192, 199 bus and just four minutes walk from Hazel Grove rail station.

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