Travellers Call
351 Buxton RoadGreat Moor

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This is a small and seemingly always busy three roomer. A most striking feature of the décor is a vast collection of nauticalia and bells. As well as the ships' bells and hand bells there are portholes, propellers, lanterns and telescopes. The TV and darts room remain free of this style, whilst the front snug has a well stocked fish tank set in the chimney breast. At the rear one finds a small beer garden, bizarrely furnished with a red telephone box, traffic lights and a well surmounted by a large red bell, all highly entertaining. The pub is also notable for its fundraising. To date over £65,000 has been collected in some twenty years by means of a ten mile annual walk. It is also the home of the Travellers Football Club, players in the Sunday League. Of special note is the old Stockport boundary marker outside on the corner of Cherry Tree Lane.