Stockport & South Manchester

Sir Robert Peel

83 Castle Street, Edgeley
Emailku.oc.tropkcotsleeptreborris@ofni Telephone(0161) 477 3424
Opening times: Mon–Sat 10:00-24:00; Sun 11:00-23:00

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

This can be a busy pub on match days when Stockport County FC are at home. Large house that is popular with the lunchtime trade. A vault area complete with pool table and dart board is to the left as you enter. A central wall in the middle of the building divides the former two-room layout with the bar being over to the right wall of the main room. Wood flooring abounds and modern lighting is in place. Feature fish tank. Large back yard for outdoor drinking. A brief trial of real ale took place in late 2015, but regretably sales did not justify its retention so it was dropped from sale in May 2016. Under the same licensee holding as the nearby Prince Albert. History: 1896 acquired with Joseph Worrall's Brewery, it became a Wilsons Brewery house, then into the 1990s it traded under the Greenalls banner.