Royal Oak
104 Commercial RoadHazel Grove

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Demolished 29/11/2018. Closed 28/2/2013. Planning Application DC/067919 | Erection of retirement living accommodation comprising 40 self-contained apartments with associated communal facilities, landscaping and car parking, following demolition of existing buildings/structures. Granted 26/10/2018. History: This was a large pub built in the 1930s, a third of a mile from the A6. There were two lounges; the largest was accessed from the central main entrance, which was originally a revolving door. To your left as you entered was a dominant oak-panelled staircase, while to your right was a corner three-sided bar and a door leading to the other lounge which tended only to be used when the pub was very busy. To the rear of the pub was a large games room with two pool tables and a dartboard. Upstairs was a function room. The most surprising feature lay to the rear outside, where there was a splendid bowling green and outdoor drinking area; this was popular in summer.