Stockport & South Manchester

Prince of Wales

1233 Ashton Old Road
M11 1DA
Telephone(0161) 223 3084
This pub is permanently closed.

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Demolished 20/2/2010, site is now retail units. Change of use to Asian restaurant around 1/11/2006. Planning Application 080930/FO/2006/N2 | Erection of retail foodstore (Class A1- 7711 sqm gross), non-food retail units- 6987 sqm (incorporating Class A1 retail; Restaurant/Bar Uses Classes A3 & A4- max floorspace 465 sqm; hot food takeaway uses Class A5- max floorspace 185sqm); Offices (Class A2 & B1- 4980 sqm); Leisure Use (Class D2 - 2090 sqm) and associated landscaping and car parking. Granted 12/3/2007. History: A large, rather unremarkable former Bass house occupying a corner plot. At one point it sold Stones Bitter, but in its latter years was keg-only.