Portway Hotel
Ruddpark RoadWythenshawe
M22 0DN

This pub is permanently closed.
See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site
Demolished 6/8/2019, site is now housing. Closed 31/5/2019. Planning Application 118482/FO/2017 | Erection of 7 no. 2 storey residential dwelling houses and 3 storey building to form 3 no. self contained apartments including associated car parking, boundary treatment and landscaping following demolition of existing Public House. Granted 12/2/2018.
History: Large former Whitbread-Chesters two-room estate house. Set on a prominent junction opposite a shopping parade and a large church. Although it had sold cask Holt's beers in the past, these were removed in early 2015 due to poor sales.
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