927 Hyde RoadGorton
M18 7FB

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site
This large, and historic old Grade II listed coaching inn dates from the late 19th century, with parts originally built in 1702 (except the new indoor toilets c.2004). A homely, slightly weather-beaten exterior yet inside, is a vault to the right which is normally the busiest room. For those who don’t like propping up a bar, across the hallway lies a neat snug, whilst at the rear are two rooms - a meeting type room, and a pool room. A beer garden lies to the rear. Additional info: the pub's listed-building description states that "The building is on the site of a beerhouse which was licensed in 1823 and the cellars, outbuilding and part of back wall are of early C19 character and probably relate to this." this confirms the date of the building we see now as "late 19th century".