Garratt WayGorton
M18 8HE

This pub is permanently closed.
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Converted 19/3/2014 to Dribble Drabble Day Care children's nursery. Closed 1/1/2014 then sold by Hydes. Planning Application 107581/FO/2014/N2 | Change of use from vacant public house (Class A4) to day nursery (Class D1) with associated elevational alterations and formation of external play areas and 13 space car park. Granted 3/2/2015. History: This was a modern (built c.1970) open-plan pub with two large joined rectangular rooms around a bar area. The most striking feature was the pine boarded ceiling in the lounge. Decor was mainly city-scape in the vault, whilst the lounge enjoyed studies of an artist's muse. Sold cask Hydes Mild and Bitter.