Stockport & South Manchester

Old House at Home

73 Burton Road
M20 1HB
Telephone(0161) 446 2315
Real AleGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsDisabled AccessParkingSmokingWiFi
This pub is permanently closed.

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

Demolished 18/10/2019. Closed and boarded 13/9/2017. Planning Application 119450/FO/2018 | Erection of 12 no. four-bed, three-storey dwelling houses (Class C3) with associated parking, landscaping and boundary treatment following demolition of existing, vacant, public house. Granted 21/9/2018. History: Former Whitbread house that attained a Pub of the Month award back in September of 2001. Was latterly under Greene King ownership, it was given a tasteful refurbishment in mid-2013. This had lightened the decor somewhat to make the place really warm and inviting. An L-shaped building with the older leg of the L containing the bar, whilst the newer leg was largely given over to food tables. A sign outside announced that food was served every day until 9 pm, so there was quite a food emphasis yet in spite of that, the pub had the feel of a community local, and there was still plenty of room for drinkers in the older part of the pub.