Old House at Home
73 Burton RoadWithington
M20 1HB

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Demolished 18/10/2019. Closed and boarded 13/9/2017. Planning Application 119450/FO/2018 | Erection of 12 no. four-bed, three-storey dwelling houses (Class C3) with associated parking, landscaping and boundary treatment following demolition of existing, vacant, public house. Granted 21/9/2018. History: Former Whitbread house that attained a Pub of the Month award back in September of 2001. Was latterly under Greene King ownership, it was given a tasteful refurbishment in mid-2013. This had lightened the decor somewhat to make the place really warm and inviting. An L-shaped building with the older leg of the L containing the bar, whilst the newer leg was largely given over to food tables. A sign outside announced that food was served every day until 9 pm, so there was quite a food emphasis yet in spite of that, the pub had the feel of a community local, and there was still plenty of room for drinkers in the older part of the pub.