Hogs Head
653a Wilmslow RoadDidsbury
M20 6QZ

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Converted 21/10/2011 to be a Tesco mini-market. Closed c.1/7/2011. Planning Application 097707/JO/2011/S2 | Variation of Condition 6 attached to planning permission 051032/FO/South1/96 seeking change of opening hours from 08:00-21:00 Mondays to Saturdays and 10:00-17:00 Sundays and Bank Holidays to 07:30-23:00 seven days a week and variation of condition 12 to allow servicing and deliveries to the premises between 07:30 to 19:00. Granted 20/1/2012. History: part of what used to be Whitbread's beerhouse-styled chain. The major selling-point of a multitude of different cask beers had sadly gone from this branch of the chain by the late 2000s, yet it remained popular with both drinkers and diners.