Happy Man
22 PortwayWythenshawe
M22 1UB

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Demolished 15/12/2022 site to become housing. Closed 18/3/2019. Planning Application 128682/FO/2020 | Erection of 9 No. dwellinghouses and a 3 storey apartment building providing 9 Assisted Living Apartments (Class C2), together with landscaping, associated access and car parking following demolition of existing public house. Granted 8/12/2021. History: Sold by auction Oct 2018 for £285,000 with planning consent for housing construction. This was a former Bass estate house dating from the 1960s. It consisted of two large rooms separated by a central bar. Its name is in honour of a very successful racehorse that had links to the Hardy's Crown Brewery (taken over by Bass). The Hardys brewery also brewed a "Happy Man Ale" at one point.