Halfway House
1292 Ashton Old RoadOpenshaw
M11 1JG

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Demolished 6/11/2019 as the structure was deemed unsafe, indeed Manchester city council stated: "We can confirm that because of the condition of the building, and the very serious risk to public safety, the City Council had no alternative other than to intervene, using emergency dangerous building powers to demolish the premises". On 8/3/2018, the building was surrounded by scalfolding, this was to secure the building that had been seriously damaged by a fire in May 2017. Closed 1/6/2009 and converted to a gym, then followed a time as a computer store. History: was a very large and prominently positioned Whitbread-Chesters house. Multi-roomed originally, then the traditional internal room plan was opened-out. A spiral of decline in the trade, then eventual closure of the pub followed.