Stockport & South Manchester

Green End

Mauldeth Road
M19 1DZ
Telephone(0161) 432 1624
GardenSeparate BarGamesParkingSmoking
This pub is permanently closed.

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

Demolished 3/4/2017 for replacement with housing development. Closed and boarded 31/3/2013. Planning Application 109304/FO/2015/S2 | Erection of 20 two and three-storey residential dwelling houses (Class C3) with associated car parking, landscaping and boundary treatment following demolition of existing public house. Granted 12/11/2015. History: large, cavernous former Entrepreneur pub that dated from the inter-wars era., It dabbled with cask ale in 2012, but it did not sell well enough to maintain its position on the bar. There was a large, very pleasant bowling green and children's play area to the rear. For many years the pub suffered from a poor reputation which cannot have helped stave off its eventual fate.