15 Wellington Road NorthStockport

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Demolition and change of use applied for 25/1/2024: Planning Application DC/090940 | Demolition of the existing building and redevelopment of the site with a part 12, part 17 storey building providing commercial / co-working space at ground floor and upper floor levels, 76 apartments on the upper floors, with associated cycle and refuse storage facilities at lower ground floor level and resident amenity space. Premises "To Let" as of 13/5/2018; and as of 2/4/2018, the licence had lapsed, so that was a further barrier to it re-opening. Closed 2/12/2017 future was uncertain as the building required quite a lot of work on it. History: Quarry tiled bar floor and elsewhere solid oak floor boards. It was lit by two large roof lights so the place was full of natural light on a sunny day. There were three distinct areas plus a pool room. TV sports orientated especially football. Very handy for the Hatting Museum, Mersey Square and the Plaza Theatre. The regular cask cider was Black Dragon. Cask ale loyalty offer introduced late 2015: buy five pints of any cask ale and receive your sixth pint free. The offer was run through a loyalty card and stamp.