Stockport & South Manchester


Pink Bank Lane
M12 5RF
Telephone(0161) 224 7530
Real AleGardenSeparate BarGamesParkingSmoking
This pub is permanently closed.

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Converted 26/9/2013 to religious use as an Islamic community resource. Closed 6/5/2013, signage removed and currently being offered To Let or For Sale. Planning Application 102887/FU/2013/N2 | Change of use of former public house to Class D1 community centre and prayer Hall with associated external alterations. Granted 14/8/2013. History: This 1960s estate-type house used to feature etched windows depicting the locomotives built by the Manchester firm after whom the pub was named. Over the years that history has been destroyed by inventive vandals and casual damage, never to be replaced. A great shame, as latterly it became a very shabby and forlorn boozer. Only the Vault was open at all times which saw the comfortable Lounge and small Snug in the other half of the building hidden from view of the casual visitor. Lively atmosphere, and somehow it struggled on. Ignore the Mild pump as they didn't sell it in latter years.