353 Wilmslow RoadFallowfield
M14 6XS

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Impressive Victorian mansion in a busy student area that attracts a good mix of folk. The large horseshoe bar serves a variety of areas and accommodates seven cask ales - offering the Hydes and Beer Studio / Kansas Avenue range, as well as varying guest beers. The rear extension completed a few of years ago has greatly increased the seating provision so that more people can enjoy the place. The many TV screens give succour to sports fans, but to get away from the bustle and hubbub, try the 'Hyde Out' bar in the hut outside the back for a peaceful drink and a chat in the very large yard. Come the good weather, a variety of outdoor drinking spots are available for people-watching or bus spotting even! Quizzes held weekly - music on Sunday; general knowledge on Tuesday. Mondays see a cheap offer on cask ales.