Fir Tree
257 Gorton RoadReddish

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site
Demolished 11/12/2020. Closed 9/8/2019, initially for the ultimate construction of a Lidl supermarket. However on 24/4/2023, the plans were withdrawn over concerns about additional land requirements for car parking between the developers and Stockport MBC. Future of the site is now unknown. Planning Application DC/077358 | Full planning application for the demolition of the former Fir Tree Public House. Granted 10/11/2020. History: A large roadhouse style pub that began life as a Tetley establishment, became a Mr Q's pool house for a while, but latterly had settled into a community pub role. Vast lounge on one side featuring two raised areas, one with a pool table and games machines, the other area was more comfortable, while a stage at the far end completed the scene. In fact, the stage end of the room somewhat resembled a club in its layout. Next door was a separate, equally huge vault, nicely fitted-out, and complete with TVs and pool. 20% off pints for CAMRA members. See MEN article -