Derby Arms
575-577 Ashton New RoadClayton
M11 4EA

This pub is permanently closed.
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Converted 16/11/2011 to take-away food use. Closed 15/11/2011. Planning Application 095880/FO/2011/N2 | Change of use of ground floor from public house to 1 no. retail unit (A1) and 2 no. Hot Food Takeaways (A5) with associated ancillary storage at first floor, associated external alterations and shopfronts and installation of 2 no. extraction flues to the rear. Granted 23/5/2011. History: yet another Whitbread house that is no more. Opened-out some years prior to closure to make a single large room. For a while it sold cask Flowers beers, but was on keg beers for many years until closure in late 2011.