Stockport & South Manchester


205 Manchester Road, Heaton Norris
Telephone(0161) 480 4639
Family FriendlyGardenGamesParkingSmokingDog Friendly
This pub is long-term closed.

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Demolition applied for 14/3/2024. Planning Application DC/091228 | Full planning permission for the demolition of existing structures, erection of a drive thru coffee shop (Class E / Sui Generis use), vehicle and cycle parking (including EV charging), landscaping and associated development. Registered 14/3/2024. Demolition applied for 17/7/2019 to become apartments. Closed 30/3/2009. Planning Application DC/074130 | Demolition of existing vacant Public House and erection of a three storey residential development, comprising 16 no. apartments with associated access, parking, landscaping, cycle/refuse storage and external works. Registered 17/7/2019. History: former new-build 1960s Boddington's house constructed in the estate style, that consisted of two large rooms separated by the bar. Originally the Three Crowns, then later on had a brief period as Venue. Final name change was to the Cosmopolitan. As the Three Crowns it sold cask Boddingtons Mild, Bitter, John Smiths, and Whitbread Old Henry.