Stockport & South Manchester

Church Inn

45-47 Ardwick Green North
M12 6FZ
Telephone(0161) 273 5652
GardenLunchtime MealsParkingSmoking
This pub is permanently closed.

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

Demolished 1/9/2016. Closed and boarded 1/4/2011. This and the adjoining site of the former Park Inn comprised a redevelopment site as of early 2022. The site was owned by Salford company Sloegrin Properties. Planning Application 098937/FO/2012/N2 | Erection of detached 3 storey building with basement to form 20 apartments with associated car & cycle parking and landscaped amenity areas following demolition of former Church Inn public house. Granted 7/1/2014. History: Well-appointed former Tetley house. Used to do a good trade in food and ale, but the hard times hit and it never fully recovered.