Church Inn
874 Stockport RoadLevenshulme
M19 3BP

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Demolished 1/2/2010, site is now library and leisure centre. Change of use to Indian Restaurant from 1/9/2008 for a brief period. Closed 8/6/2007. Planning Application 106143/VO/2014/N2 | CITY COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT Erection of a building to a maximum height of 2 storeys relating to the formation of a new library and leisure centre incorporating 2 x swimming pools, fitness suite, changing facilities with associated roof mounted equipment, hard and soft landscaping, 53 space car park (with 3 accessible spaces) accessed via Yew Tee Avenue, 18 cycle spaces and coach drop-off point. Granted 15/9/2014. History: Formerly a large, street-corner Greenall's house, in the 1990s it sold Greenalls Bitter.