Brewers Arms
149-151 Ladybarn LaneLadybarn
M14 6RQ

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Closed 14/10/2019, change of use granted 29/11/2022. Planning Application 134870/FO/2022 | Erection of 3 no. two storey residential dwellinghouses (with living accommodation within the roof space) together with associated landscaping and boundary treatments following the demolition of existing vacant former Public House. Granted 29/11/2022. History: One L-shaped room fitted out partially with a rustic bare-boarded floor and partially with a tiled floor. Although it ended its days as a keg only pub, prior to closure there was hope of a return to cask as they were awaiting handpumps being installed. That would have been good to see, as these days the Brewers would be the only pub left trading in Ladybarn. Further changes were expected but never materialised, such as modern decor, and adding a bistro area at the rear. Barbecues were also to be tried, along with nights for students, open-mic, and quizzes, plus karaoke and Motown.