Stockport & South Manchester

Bowling Green

5 Charles Street, Heaviley
Telephone(0161) 612 2352
This pub is permanently closed.

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

Converted 28/2/2014 to housing use. Closed 2/10/2011. Planning Application DC/051081 | Change of use of former public house with 2 flats over to form 4 self contained flats. Granted 17/12/2012. And Planning Application DC/058119 | Retrospective application for: 1) Change of use from public house to vehicles parts storage at ground floor; 2) house in multiple occupation at first floor; 3) retention of windows to Charles St. elevation; 4) retention of roller shutter door to side elevation; 5) retention of replacement hardstanding; and 6) erection of 2.4 metre high brick wall and solid gates. Granted 19/6/2015. History: This formerly multi-roomed pub was refurbished into a multi-area pub around a central bar which in early 2000s received a tasteful renovation. It was a recent addition to the real ale scene in Stockport, having been keg for a number of years, the pub offered a welcome choice in a Robinson's dominated area. It was worth noting that cask was seldom available midweek. The new licensees were experienced in the pub trade and could be expected to make a success of this venture, with future plans involving food and differing guest ales. Latterly sold Black Sheep Bitter and a guest beer.