Burnage Community Sports & Social Club
Mauldeth RoadBurnage
M19 1AB

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site
Change of use 2/12/2024 to community facility; work in progress. Closed 26/8/2022 by order of police following raid on premises to investigate alleged illegal activities. Planning Application 130286/OO/2021 Outline application (access, layout and scale) for the erection of three 2 storey dwellinghouses. Decided 28/2/2022. History: This former cricket club (the cricket field is now partially built upon) was refurbished in 2016. That upgraded both the members’ room and the function room but regretfully it still sold no real ale. Outside the children weare catered for with a small menagerie including chickens, rabbits and sheep. One wonders how long it was since sheep last grazed in Burnage? Function room for hire.