704 Wilmslow RoadDidsbury
M20 2DW

This pub is permanently closed.
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Converted 28/8/2021 to a cafe-cum-diner. Closed 16/6/2018. Planning Application 127412/FO/2020 | Alterations to the existing roof and addition of rear dormer in association with the change of use of first floor from A3 restaurant to single residential dwelling C3. Granted 8/9/2020. History: as the Boardroom, this was a small, narrow-fronted bar based around an American bourbon whiskey theme. Blues music was a feature, but real ale was not. For a while it was a pizza restaurant with bar service on both ground and first floor. Still did food, but of a more eclectic nature. The upper storey had an appealing balcony that allowed users a vista of the bustling Barlow Moor Road junction.