Ladybarn & District Royal British Legion Club
Beverly RoadLadybarn
M14 6TZ

This pub is permanently closed.
See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site
Demolished 12/10/2012, site is now housing. Club closed 12/10/2012 with demolition following shortly afterward. Planning Application 099191/FO/2012/S1 | Erection of 2 pairs of 3 storey semi-detached dwellinghouses, a terrace of seven 3 storey dwellinghouses, two 1 bed apartments over the access driveway and the provision of associated car parking and landscaping. Granted 23/7/2013. History: Was a long, low structure that had the appearance of a prefab. This wasn't the end of the club however as the business moved to the former Robinson's pub, the White Swan on nearby Green Lane.