464 Didsbury RoadHeaton Mersey
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Converted 5/6/2020 to restaurant use (Black Spot pizza). Closed 5/6/2020. History: first off, it was a small bar that opened on 26/9/2013 as Buffalo Cafe Wine Bar, owned and run by Steve Hughes and his wife. No real ale was ever sold, although they did have a selection of bottled ales and craft beers. Became Deja Vu in late 2014. That owner was previously involved with the 'Rayhoon' restaurant on St Petersgate in central Stockport. Promoted itself as a 'Mediterranean restaurant & wine bar'. In January 2016 became the Venetian restaurant, sibling venue to its namesake in Ramsbottom. Re-opened 27/2/2017 as Boundary Bar, run by the team behind The Lawn Club in Spinningfields, Manchester. Finally, it was re-branded 30/10/2018 as Beldings, a modern American diner. Meals were available alongside various cans and bottles, plus a keg Beavertown beer being a draught staple.